Terms of use

The GTC exclusively govern the online sales contracts of Canarddebain.com products, hereinafter "the professional seller" to buyers having the status of consumers hereinafter, the "Consumers" and constitute with the order form the contractual documents enforceable against the parties, to the exclusion of all other documents, prospectuses, catalogs or photographs of the products which have only indicative value.

These general conditions of sale apply, without restriction or reservation, to all sales of products offered on the website "www.Canarddebain.com"

Consequently, the fact for any person to order a product offered for sale on the website implies full and complete acceptance of these GTC, which the consumer acknowledges having read prior to his order. < / p>

In addition, the consumer acknowledges being fully informed of the fact that his agreement concerning the content of these general conditions does not require the handwritten signature of this document, insofar as the customer wishes to order the products presented online. as part of the website store.

These general conditions express all the obligations of the parties. In this sense, the consumer is deemed to accept without reservation all the provisions provided for in these general conditions. No general or specific condition appearing in the documents sent or handed over by the consumer can be incorporated into the present, since these documents would be incompatible with these GTC.

The GTC are exclusively applicable to products delivered to consumers established in France and in a member country of the European Union.

The T & Cs are drawn up as well as all the contractual information mentioned on the site in French.

The Consumer, prior to his order, declares to have full legal capacity, allowing him to engage under these GTC.